In this module students will develop skills in applying health psychology. They will attend content workshops covering topics such as working with different client and professional groups, behaviour change techniques, health promotion and health behaviours. Students will develop a critical understanding of how health psychology can be applied in the real world and will critically apply health psychology theories and research to encourage behaviour change through health promotion. Students will also consider issues relating to equality, diversity, and inclusion in health promotion. Students will develop their reflective and communication skills by critically reflecting on their health promotion choices and communicating these decisions.
Reflective Poster Presentation (100%, 15 minutes, including 5 minutes for questions)
Students will be required to design and verbally present (to peers) a physical health promotion campaign poster. The poster should be designed for a specific target audience and the content should be underpinned by appropriate health psychology research evidence and theory. The poster presentation should be reflective and outline and justify the decisions made in relation to its content and design (Learning Outcomes 1, 2 and 3).
Formative feedback will be provided on a plan of the poster during an assessment related taught session.
Taught sessions, in the form of interactive workshops, will be delivered during which issues relating to the applications of health psychology will be explained, discussed and explored. This will be supported by guided independent learning, during which students will engage with preparatory tasks for the workshops, wider reading, and assessment related activities.
1. Demonstrate a comprehensive and systematic understanding of how health psychology can be applied in the real world.
Knowledge & Understanding, Application.
2. Critically analyse and apply health psychology theories and research to encourage behaviour change through health promotion in a specific setting.
Communication, Application, Analysis.
3. Critically reflect on and justify the decisions and choices made in designing a health promotion poster and communicate this clearly.
Reflection, Learning, Communication.
Blackboard Virtual Learning Environment. Web-based databases to review current relevant literature in electronic database format. Internet access. Library. Resource rooms and supervision space. Guest speakers, including those with lived experience.
Glanz, K., Rimer, B.K., & Viswanath, K. (2015). Health behavior and health education: Theory research and practice. 4th Edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Green, J., & Tones, K. (2010). Health Promotion Planning and strategies. 2nd Edition. London: Sage
Marks, D., Murray, M., & Estacio, E. (2015). Health Psychology, theory, research and practice. 4th edition. London: Sage.¿
Ogden, J. (2019). Health Psychology. London: McGraw-Hill
Students must be registered on the MSc Health Psychology.
In this module students will develop skills in applying health psychology. They will attend content workshops covering topics such as working with different client and professional groups, behaviour change techniques, health promotion and health behaviours.